Friday 25 March 2011

Media Evaluation - Task 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?
Front cover -

completed front cover by nuggy1

This is an analysis of my front cover, which I analysed on Flickr. I have posted notes on all the elements of which I feel attracts my audeince. Please click on the photo to see the notes.

Contents Page -
This is my contents page, I used Flickr to analyse this too. Please click on the photo to see the annotations.

Double Page Spread -
Double Page Spread Final Draft by nuggy1
Please click on the photo to see annotations.

I also asked my taget audience what their opinions were of my magazine, the feedback from a year eleven media student I got was:

Front cover -
"Very proffessional looking, includes all the typical conventions of a magazine cover. Features the date, barcode, content of the magazine; also it shows one of the main stories on the front cover.
Nice use of long shot at an angle as well. It relates to the main story as you are seen looking up into the distance sugguesting your planning for the future" 
 "Also the word 'her' in pink was clever, adds emphasis to the word making it striking attracting the attention of the reader one of the many conventions of a magazine."

Contents Page -
"I think maybe add a few more pictures of those other bands and that or maybe CD's or like an album art from one of the bands or one of the bands performing live. Other than that its really good!"

Double Page Spread-
"I think its really good, background suits perpose and the form is good, pictures and everything are good aswell it has the works!"

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