Friday 25 March 2011

Media Evaluation - Task 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Please Click the link to see the slideshow!

Overall, I feel as if I have learnt a lot during the process of constructing this product. For example, I used Photoshop properly for the first time and taught myself a lot of skills in using this program. I also used Flickr to annotate my three pieces (front page, contents and double page spread) which I have never used before. I learnt how to use this by watching the tutorial and I also shared my photos from Flickr to Blogger. I also used to chose two fonts best for my title and edited these in Photoshop. I used Picasa, prezi and microsoft word to help me with my evaluation. I think using these programes and other technology is important in my future life. I now know how to use a wide range of technologies and software. This was good for me to learn as I went along because I picked up more and more skills as my project developed which was important to my audience as I needed to make my final versions look as professional as possible to attract them.  

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