Monday 6 December 2010


Magazine Questionnaire

1.    Which genre of magazine do you read?
·     Fashion & Beauty
·     Gossip
·     Home & Gardening
·     Transport (Cars, Trains etc.)
·     Technology (TV, Computers, Games etc.)
·     Men’s magazines (nuts, Loaded etc.)
·     Other  (specify)
·     None

2.   What features do you like to see in a magazine?
·     Pictures/Photos
·     Interviews
·     Advertisement
·     Reviews
·     Real-life stories
·     Other (specify)

3.   What features do you not like to see in a magazine?
·     Pictures/Photos
·     Interviews
·     Advertisement
·     Reviews
·     Real-life stories
·     Other (specify)

4.   Do you read the school magazine?
·     Yes
·     No

5.   If yes, why?
·     General interest
·     Bored
·     Because it’s free
·     The stories are interesting
·     Interest in happenings around the school
·     Other (specify)

6.   If no, why?
·     No interest at all
·     Boring stories
·     None of your friends read it
·     Other (specify)

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