Monday 13 December 2010

Evaluation Of My Magazine Cover

On my magazine cover, I have the basic conventions of a real magazine cover. For example: I have the name of my magazine (lash), a bar code, the volume number, a picture/photo and basic information about what kind of things are included in my magazine. There isn't much different on my magazine to a real magazine cover. For example, most magazine covers include the name/title at the top of the magazine because it can be seen easily and won’t be hidden by shelves in the shop.

The types of social groups my magazine cover represents are 16-18 year-old students (mainly girls as it is a beauty/fashion magazine). It does this by the colours of the background, text, and the photo. The colour of the background is an obvious 'girly' colour (pink) and not many boys would be attracted to this which is why it is aimed at girls. Also, the photo on the front of the magazine makes it more obvious about the target audience as it has nothing to do with anything men/boys want to read about in a magazine. My media product will be distributed in school/college and I have added things to the cover of the magazine to make it look as if it should be distributed in a school or college such as the text 'interview with school health & beauty teacher' this makes the magazine more academic but not too much so people would actually read it because no one really wants to read a magazine full of school things.

Technology plays a big part in media, which is why it was important that it was, used it throughout my media product as technology is what media is all about. The types of technology that I used are: a digital camera, a blog, photo-shop and more. Without all of these things, my magazine cover wouldn’t have been created at all. This is the achievement that I got from using technology. I only had a few minor problems such as certain things I couldn’t do very well on photo-shop but I managed to get the hang of it after using it for a while.

From the preliminary task I have learnt many things which will help me in the main task. Such as, I taught myself how to use programmes such as publisher and photo-shop which I experimented with until I got the result I wanted. This may have taken a little longer to create my media product, but it was worth learning something new which will then help me when I go on to do the main task with the music magazine cover. I also learnt about different camera shots and which are the best to use on my magazine cover. For example, I used a medium close-up for my photo on the cover which I think looked more professional than my first attempt, which included a close-up. When I compared the two, my second attempt looked a lot better than the first. All of this will help me in Media in the future so I think I learned a lot from this.

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