Monday 14 February 2011

RESEARCH: magazine cover, contents, doublepage spread analysis

Front Page Analysis:

This magazine cover follows the basic codes and conventions of a magazine. The masthead is clearly displayed at the top of the magazine and will be noticed by the audience first. The name of the magazine suggests that the music that is consumed by the audience is going to be a 'smash hit' or a 'hit'. It suggests the music is all good and will all be in the charts. This magazine has used both left, right and bottom to advertise the important aspects inside their magazine. The words 'Pull a Popstar' suggests the genre of music that is inside. We now know that it contains Pop music. The main story or focused article is displayed at the top of the magazine. This is typical of a magazine as the audience will see this first as it is the main focus of the inside of the magazine.

The main image of a young man (Ben from A1) is a member of a 'cute' boyband. Most boybands who follow the pop genre normally have a 'cute' style. They have dimples when they smile, and always smile in photographs. Whereas if they were to follow 'Hard rock', they would have a more moody, serious look. This young man on the front demonstrates exactly how boybands are today. A medium close-up has been used for this main photograph, and he is looking directly into the camera which could suggest he is looking at the audience. This gives it a personal touch, as you feel as if he is looking at you. The image is linked to one of the main features of the magazine. On the left hand side, there is the name of the boyband member in a different colour to the rest of the article title which emphasises who he is.

This magazine is aimed at girls aged 12-16. I know this because of the colours and person on the cover relates to the target audience. The 'cute' boyband member is a picture of him smiling and young girls who enjoy this genre of music would 'drool' over him. The colour scheme flows and the main colours used are: Pink, Red, White and Yellow.

Front Page Analysis:

This is an example of a magazine which I would like to make my own from. I like the use of font in the title and the main photograph. This front cover is very basic and tidy; there is no crowded photographs or text everywhere, it just has the basic conventions of a magazine: it has a masthead, bar code, main photo, issue number and the main articles inside. I like the artistic font on this particular front cover because it attracts it's more creative audiences. I also like the way the main photograph has been taken and would like to do my main photograph in a similar way to this.

Contents page analysis:

Double Page Spread Analysis:

The magazine cover I am looking at is from Kerrang magazine. The images on the double page spread are at a ratio of 70:30 (text:images). Therefore there are more text than images on the double page spread. The magazine  are expecting their audience to be more focused on images because of the ratio of image to text that is being used. The image to the left of the page is of Gerad Way (a band member of 'My Chemical Romance'). He fits in with the style and genre of the magazine well because he is in dark clothing and singing on a microphone. 

Also, the image gives a good representation of Rock band members because we can see the amount of concentration in his face. The bottom half of the page shows images of the band members backstage or in a studio which suggests that the audience would be interested in what goes on in their studio and behind what happens on stage. 
The main colours shown are black, red and white which connect well to the small audience (niche) which like and enjoy 'My Chemical Romance' and their music and those who enjoy the genre of Rock music. Also, Red, Black and White are the 'My Chemical Romance' logo colours. 

There are some presentational devices on the double page spread which would attract the audience. For example, as said before, the colours are a good example of a presentational device. Also, the title at the top of the page, is a 'rusty metal' effect which links in well with the genre of the magazine (rock/metal). Also, it attracts the niche audience which like rock and 'My chemical romance'.

1 comment:

  1. It would be good to have an actual image of one of the front covers you have analysed for your research.
